Lockfree Insert Operation

Now we need to deal with actual inserts somehow. The best we can afford (in terms of scalability) is a lockfree algorithm. The algorithm for ordered singly-linked list insertion is well-known, and takes 1 CAS operation in the best (and average) case (note that the function takes as parameters hints for previous and next nodes, which are discovered during preceding searching) (C++0x synchronization primitives are used):

/** ordered singly-linked list insert

* @prev hint for the previous element

* discovered by a find operation

* it's key is smaller than inserting key

* @next hint for the next element

* discovered by a find operation

* it's key is larger than inserting key

* @node the node to insert

* @return true if inserted

* false if the key is already present in the list


bool slist_insert(node_t* prev, node_t* next, node_t* node)


for (;;)


// try to insert the node with CAS operation

node->next.store(next, memory_order_relaxed);

if (prev->next.compare_exchange_strong(next, node, memory_order_release))

// if the CAS succeeded, the node is inserted

return true;

// otherwise, something has changed,

// and we need to find a new location for the insertion

// (i.e. update 'prev' and 'next')

for (;;)


// re-compare the values

int cmp = traits_t::compare(node->item, next->item);

if (cmp > 0)


// new 'next' node's key is smaller than the inserting key

// so remember it as a 'prev', and repeat the comparation

prev = next;

next = prev->next.load(memory_order_consume);

if (next == 0)




else if (cmp == 0)


// the key is present in the list

return false;


else /* (cmp < 0) */


// new 'next' node's key is still larger than the inserting key

// so just retry the CAS






Move on to Node Count Maintenance